Monday, September 7, 2009

A father's cry for his kid - 498aed father's thought process

A father's cry for his kid - 498aed father's thought process
Her nihilistic approach to everyday life and constant threats of hurting my children seemed near darkness's heart. Her readiness to hurt me through my children with warring abusive words, false claims of dowry and signs of what was to unfold can be sensed in glints of cruel cases filed on me and my parents.

I spent time in office comtemplating what I would have to face every night. Apprehension of what was unfold in the dead of night like a ghost threatening me to deprive me and my children of fatherhood was unbearable. I tried to buy peace by buying flowers(roses) from the gift store in office so I could wade through the night. When flowers were not accepted or thrown into a corner I knew I was in for more darkness.

The consequences of her deeds, so intense, and blame, defensiveness and guilt so everyday that I had settled into a familiar formula of trying to shut my ears, imagined myself on an equatorial expedition in Africa, or sometimes I would just watch plain TV, I even tried some holy scriptures - Bhagawad Gita. Sometimes, I would recollect, "How green was my valley," story from my childhood.

I sleep well nowadays; but, the fear returns when I have to attend these court trials, of seeing or recollecting time with her again. I even avoid seeing my children knowing very well the brain washing and hatred infusing thoughts/threats of ingraining in them against me. The fear of my children getting her wrath because of me influenced my decision to not meet them. I dread to see that fear of her in my childrens eyes; for it will destroy my peace for eternity.

Dejected and broken hearted by my separation from my children, I salvaged but a lesson from my continuing loss. The mental cost of the continuing ordeal - from a 498a case to maintenance - exceeds the diminshing value of my thoughts on my defunct family life.

The result of this exotic 498a law promoted by her complaints has only distanced us forever. Thank you but no thanks to all the nihilistic witnesses of a broken family. Their help to separate and distance my sons and me will be adequately appreciated, rewarded in this or their next brith. "What goes around WILL come around."- this, I truly beleive.

I wonder, "How these so called witnesses will convince my children depriving them of fatherhood ?", "Are they not mothers and fathers?", "Is this the way to show your cunningness and vile taking it out on small children and interfering in my family affairs ?". "Don't they have wives with whom they can lead a conjugal life instead of seducing someone else's wife ?".

Is it not a crime to put people in limbo ? They first off file false cases on husband, parents and relatives; then they donot appear for trial, evidence or pursue for closure. All the while; husband is getting dates, requesting leaves, and petitioning for non-appearance, taking responsibility and abiding by law. Who is being abused ? 
After a couple of years you determine that - “It was all for nothing.”

498A is a tragedy created by humans and it is tragic for the mother of the children, too. When she and her relatives finally realise what is right and what is wrong, it is too late.
However, with conscience clear and with heart filled with optimism, the 498A fathers should move on and try to overcome adversity. That is the rule in life. That is true in the face of any tragedy - whether it is 498A, airline crash, cancer, loss of business, death of loved one, etc.
May God help all to keep events in proper perspective and not get overly depressed.  

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